Berkeley Engineering Co.

Shore Cleaning Barge

trash in reeds along SF Bay

The shorelines of most waterways have a large amount of trash and debris littering the ground. This is especially true for bays and other large bodies where currents are relatively slow and the tidal action changes the water level frequently, thereby leaving the debris scattered about. This trash and debris is not only an eyesore for the people who visit the water, but it is also a hazard to the wildlife that use these tidal zones as their home. A major problem with cleaning up this debris is getting to it, as access from the shore is often impossible and normal boats cannot get into the shallow water.

Schematic of Barge

We are currently working on the development of a Shore Cleaning Barge that would consist of a very low draft barge with bowsprits and a small crane for workers to access the debris and remove it. Our preliminary focus is on the San Francisco Bay and we hope to extend the technology to other areas of the country.


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