Berkeley Engineering Co.

New Directions

What do engineers do when they have free time? They dream of how to make a better place to live. For years we have been developing some "blue sky" ideas to improve the world we live in and we've decided to start putting some of them out there and see what we can accomplish.

Berkeley Engineering Company was started in 1985 as a general engineering contractor and consulting firm with a focus on tunnels and bridges. Since that time it has grown and we have gone from building small bridges for private homeowners to working on million dollar projects for large agencies. How does this qualify us to solve the woes of the world? Because we care about what goes on around us and like most people out there, we think we can make a difference.

Currently our focus is on two of our ideas - a Shore Cleaning Barge that would traverse the shoreline of San Francisco Bay and pick up the litter and debris, and a Real-Time Ridesharing System which would connect drivers and riders in a "real-time" fashion so that they can both get to where they need to go while reducing the number of vehicles on the roads.

Below is a listing of some of our ideas - Take a couple of minutes to check them out and if you would care to comment or share your own ideas we'd love to listen.



  Pictures of Blue Sky and Leaves